Information you need to know if you are worried about a child or young person.
This page provides an overall of domestic abuse and the processes in Kent and Medway.
Information about the different Kent Support Levels.
This page provides an overall of missing and the process for when a child is missing from home, care or education.
Advice and guidance on online safety for schools, settings and professionals working with children and young people in Kent.
This page provides information about the various types of child exploitation, and the process for reporting within Kent.
This page provides an overall of child sexual abuse and the processes in Kent.
Guidance and resources to help safeguarding children within education settings.
ICON is a national programme, which has been adopted by Kent to help those who care for babies to cope with crying.
Kent Father Inclusive Guidance
Kent and Medway Violence Reduction Unit website
Safer eating in early years settings
Children and Young People's Mental Health resources
Private Fostering information