
There are various types of exploitation which a child or young person can be exposed to. They are:

Exploitation toolkit

Kent and Medway, with partner agencies, have worked together to produce two new child exploitation tools for professionals.

These replace the child sexual exploitation toolkit, and incorporates all kinds of child exploitation.

The aims of the new tools are to improve how Kent and Medway disrupt exploitation and help agencies work together to create safety and reduce harm.

The identification tool is designed to support professional judgement for those professionals who do not normally complete social care assessments.

View Kent child exploitation identification tool 

Please note, when  following the link there are instructions to follow. Please log in/create an account or continue without logging in.

IMPORTANT: Completing the identification tool in the KCC Children's Portal does not generate a referral to KCC Children's Services. The completed form will be available as a PDF to the practitioner completing, who will then need to determine what further action to take. KCC Children's Service and KSCMP have no sight of completed identification toolkits via the portal.

The exploitation assessment and planning tool is now available via EHM/Liberi/Core+ and can be used by all KCC CYPE staff.

View practice guidance for child exploitation tools (DOCX, 142.0 KB)

View child exploitation and safeguarding framework diagram   (PDF, 180.9 KB)

Child Exploitation intelligence form

The electronic Exploitation Information Sharing Form (eINTEL) has been updated that multi-agency staff can share any information with regard to child exploitation that may be important and relevant in order to build intelligence about exploitation and better target the response to prevent and disrupt it.

It must be emphasised that this form is NOT a Request for Support to the Kent Integrated Children's Services.

If you have a safeguarding concern, see 'Kent Support Level Guidance'. Remember, your concerns must be discussed with your safeguarding lead and the appropriate Request for Support made.

Report information

For help and guidance:

Child Exploitation Intelligence Portal Interactive Guide (PDF, 862.2 KB)

Child Exploitation Intelligence Portal Contacts Map (PDF, 222.7 KB)

Child Exploitation Intelligence Portal Decision Tree (PDF, 92.9 KB)


View guide to knife harm  for parents and carers leaflet (PDF, 835.5 KB)