Inclusive Practice Conference

Inclusive Practice Conference - Monday 1st July 2024, 9:30am to 4:30pm

Kent County Council's Children, Young People and Education directorate is holding a staff conference at the Inn on the Lake Hotel near Gravesend to consider anti-racist practice, disproportionality and intersectionality in our work with children, families and our communities.

Throughout the conference staff from all parts of the Children, Young Poeple and Education directorate, alongside colelagues working in partner agencies, will have  the opportunities to be exposed to speakers on the following themes:

  • intersectionality (and if we are culturally curious in assessments and pllaning in how these intersect and overlay)
  • cultural displacement and identity between and within generations and what it means to be dual heritage
  • sense of identity, and the impact of identity through adolescence (including any vulnerabilities inlcuding mental health).

We will also have the opportunity to engage in discussions, network and reflect on how we engage with each other and uphold within our own working rleationships our commitment to inclusion.

The conference is aimed at practitioners in Integrated Children's Services. There are also places available for multi-agency partners e.g. schools, commissioned services, probation, police etc.

To book please visit The Education People Conference site - if you do not have an account you will be required to set one up.

Please note: This is not a KSCMP event. All enquiries should be directed to KCC CYPE.